Polyneasian Migration into the Pacific

Origins of Polynesians: Reconstructed account of early Polynesian migration in the Pacific.

6,000 BC: Off the coast of Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands was situated an Island Colony, Lemuria also named Hawaiki or Mu. This Island colony was built as an outpost of Atlantis, which survived the great deluge of 12,000 BC. Many that survived the deluge took refuge in this outpost. For thousands of years there was peace on this island paradise until a great deluge that again swept the Globe caused the Island to become unstable and sink into the ocean.

The survivers of this deluge were forced to relocate, where by using the Kuroshio current off the coast of Taiwan, journeyed to North America, where they settled for a time amongst the coastal people before using the sea current to journey to central america.

This Journey was initiated by Ku (Tu) and found its destination in central america with the Mayan, Aztec People, who referred to him as Kukulkan. At ths time central america was dominated by fair Red-Headed people that practiced unsavoury ritual sacrifice. Ku introduced developed civillisation to the Maya people, and gave them knowledge of science and metaphysics. He attempted to eradicate the less savoury habits of the people of central america without success. Ritual Sacrifice continued in Mesoamerica for thousands of years. Ku was later Identified by both the Maya and Polynesian people as the God of War or War Serpent. The descendants of Ku made themselves familiar amongst certain American tribes, causing civilisation to flourish, they were later known as the Olmecs. 

232 BC Egypt: Captain Rata discovers that natural disasters of 229BC have reached the pacific where his relatives were residing and began the construction of a fleet to set sail in order to determine their fate . Navigator Maui a friend to Erosthenes of the Library of Alexandria was tasked to circum navigate the world so asked to join Captain Rata on his expedition. They set sail from the Red Sea, where they stopped in Tasmania (Australia) before making a major stop-over in New Zealand creating a settlement to act as a base. From here Captain Rata and Maui travelled to many Islands ie. Hawaii before  making a trek to South America and marking land in Chile, where Maui is said to have attempted to find a crossing to access the Atlantic. They travelled North up the coast where they intercepted a sophisticated peoples referred to as Olmecs, living along the coasts of the Lower North and Central Americas. The Olmec settlements we're undergoing techtonic upheavels, economic collapse, dominance by Mayan alliances, shortage of food etc..and were being forced to relocate. 

When Captain Rata and Navigator Maui appeared they found the coastal tribes in desperate disarray. They informed the Olmec tribes of the many uninhabited Islands they encountered on their journey and offered to guide them to these new lands. The Olmecs banded together their remaining people and with the aid of Captain Rata upgraded their custom canoes and set out from Coastal America to the islands of the pacific with the fleet of Maui and Rata, to begin their journey to Hawai'i.

Maui and Rata discovered the Coastal Tribes to be extremely skilled and knowledgable in many areas. Including the use of their own written recording system. Maui and Rata introduced to the tribes the three writing systems of Egypt, Heiroglyphic, Ancient Greek and an older Egyptian-Libyan Petroglyph Script, which the later known polynesians incorporated into one written language after the styled construct of traditional Egyptian Heiroglyphs. The birth of the Rongorongo Script.

The new Colonists brought with them clothing, plants and livestock and established settlements along the coasts and larger valleys. Upon their arrival, the settlers grew Taro, banana, coconut, breadfruit, and raised pork, chicken, and poi dog, although these meats were eaten less often than fruits, vegetables, and seafood. Popular condiments included salt, ground kukui nut, seaweed, and sugarcane which was used as both a sweet and a medicine. In addition to the foods they brought, the settlers also had sweet potato, brought from Coastal America. 

Unfortunately they also retained the caste system used in Mesoamerica:

Nobility - Ariki/Ari'i
Priests - Tohunga/Kahuna
Commoners/Workers - Maka-ainana
Slaves/War Captives - Kauwa (Used in ritual sacrifice as was practiced in Mesoamerica.)

However the first wave of settlers to Hawaii lived peacefully. Maui and Rata had introduced to the new polynesians the Cult of Amun-Ra out of Egypt, and the many advanced metaphysical philosophies and practices pertaining to it. This was known by the polynesians as the Cult of Io until a thousand years later neighbouring tahitian chief upon visiting Hawaii, discovered the lack of sacrificial practice and eradicating the Hawaiin Priests of Io, forcefully re-instated the practice of sacrifice in honor of the Gods Ku/Tu and Kane/Tane (Maya/Aztec: Quetzalcotl and Huitzilopochtli). However just as Quetzacoltl had abolished the practice of human sacrifice, so to had Kane, and the Hawaiins having an aversion to sacrificial practices vowed the Cult of Io would one day return. Before the Tahitian warrior chief could eradicate the entire priesthood and its followers, many of them with the aid of navigators whos training stemmed from the Ancestor Maui escaped to New Zealand on a fleet of Canoes, where they settled and the Cult of Io prospered.

At the time of the religious reform the islands of Tahiti, Rapa Nui and Samoa were dominated by the Red Headed Caucasian Tribes reminiscint of Mesoamerica, that had also settled in the pacific, albiet 2000 years before the Rata expedition, that had instigated the practice of ritual sacrifice in the pacific and would constantly send out warriors to raid and kidnap unsuspecting people to sacrifice on the alters. For many years this endured until the surrounding islands rebelled and many warriors led an attack on the islands dominated by the Red Headed Tribes, killing and eradicating all of their followers, putting a stop to the ritual practice in the islands.

There are many reminants of mesoamerican influence in the pacific islands today. Pyramids in Samoa, Tahiti and Tonga, Olmec structures in Hawaii, and Stone Statues of Olmec influence in Rapa Nui - Easter Island.


  1. This is the storys my Grandmother would tell me

  2. Interesting..from where did you find this information on Maui & Rata's voyages..?

  3. Kia Ora Nikita Williams.do you where this account Rata & Maui came from?

  4. Kia ora tatou
    This research has been of interest to me ever since I studied a correspondence Archology program in 1989 Digging up the past I was about 13 and came into passion of an old Toki head with I still have. It never occurred to me in later life I would carve and examine museum collections and have a deep respect for the time that went into making these Taonga but also upstanding these Taonga like Maori in Aotearoa are very young in the cycle of things.
    In 199-99 my attention turned to the mask from The Rome of America Teotihuacan. I would carve these from Totara wood however I have not made one from Stone yet!
    As mention this has and is ongoing rangahau. In 2015 we had a symposium at Apakura. Toi Whakairo came together from all around the Motu. I was fortunate work with Te Kuiti Stewart, James Canon, and Ronny Grey to name some on Nag Rara o Wahiaroa, The father of Rata.
    Everyone should read the rangahau on Wahiaroa. My personal interest explores a common reference that keeps turning up im many accounts (Read Headed Tribes) The Waihiaroa saga covers a very interesting thematic with this fascination and pursuits of the Red feather.
    A book I came across Taku Raukura also known as the red feather of Te Arawa has a very similar discussion regarding Red Headed Caucasian Mesoamerican korero.
    I must state that the Ancestor Rata and the Rata purposed in the below context are not the same people as the time period do not match.
